الموقع الرسمي للسفارة الأمريكية في القاهرة يعلن عن وظائف شاغرة للمصريين الراغبين في التقدم للعمل بمقرها بالقاهرة، حيث وضعت السفارة عددًا من الشروط والخبرات الواجب توافرها في المتقدمين، على أن يكون التقديم إلكترونيا فقط عبر الموقع الإلكتروني للسفارة.

تحرص سفارة الولايات المتحدة الامريكية بمصر أن تحقق مبدأ تكافؤ الفرص للجميع وفي نفس الوقت تتطلب معايير عالية للكفاءات المختارة.
وظائف السفارة الأمريكية بالقاهرة 2023
- الوظيفة المتاحة ميكانيكي سيارات.
- الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات 23 فبراير 2023.
- المنصب مفتوح لجميع المرشحين المهتمين.
- السيرة الذاتية غير مطلوبة.
إذا كان لديك مؤهلات التعليم والخبرة المطلوبان وترغب في الانضمام إلى فريقنا في سفارة الولايات المتحدة بالقاهرة، تقدم عبر الرابط - اضغط هنا
تحميل المستندات المطلوبة :
إثبات الجنسية (للمواطنين المصريين).
تصريح عمل (لغير المصريين).
الشهادة العسكرية للرجال فقط (للمواطنين المصريين).
شهادة الثانوية.
رخصة قيادة سارية.
شهادة تدريب مهني.
- Job Automotive Mechanic
- Application deadline Feb 23, 2023
- Position is open to all interested candidates
- CV is not required.
If you have the required education and experience, and want to join our team at the U.S. Embassy, Cairo, apply Link - Click Here
upload the required documents :
Proof of citizenship (for Egyptian citizens)
Work permit (for non-Egyptian citizens)
Military certificate for men only (For Egyptian citizens)
Secondary school certificate
Valid Driver's License
Vocational training certificate
لعرض جميع إعلانات الوظائف الشاغرة بالسفارة في مصر والتقدم بطلب عبر الإنترنت، يرجى زيارة الموقع
Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-012
Custodian (3 Positions)
U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Custodian (3 Positions) in the Facility Management Office in Cairo/ Egypt. The work schedule for this position is Full Time 40 hrs. per week. Start date: Candidates must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end
Salary:(EGP) £89,525/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 1305 - 2
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/14/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-013
Mailroom Supervisor - Current employees of the mission
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Mail room Supervisor in the Information Resources Management Office. The work schedule for this position is Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £202,218 - (EGP) £202,218/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 0130 - 7
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/14/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-017
Motor Vehicle Service Technician
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Motor Pool Serviceman in the General Service Office (GSO). The work schedule for this position is Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £102,516 - (EGP) £102,516/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 1020 - 3
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/14/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-003
Storekeeper - All Interested Applicants
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for Storekeeper in the General Services Office. - The work schedule for this position is: Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £149,646/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 0805 - 6
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/14/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-020
Administrative Clerk
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Administrative Clerk in the General Services Office (GSO). The work schedule for this position is Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £130,185 - (EGP) £130,185/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 0105 - 5
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/16/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-022
Administrative Clerk - (Security Escort) - (U.S. Citizen Eligible Family Members Only)
The U.S. Mission in Cairo, Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Security Escort. Final grade/step will be determined by Washington. The work schedule for this position is: Full-Time 40 Hours/week.
Salary:(USD) $32,357 - (USD) $32,357/Per Year
Series/Grade:FP - 0105 - 9
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/16/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-023
Administrative Clerk - (Security Escort) - (U.S. Citizen Eligible Family Members Only)
The U.S. Mission in Cairo, Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Administrative Clerk (Security Escort). Final grade/step will be determined by Washington. The work schedule for this position is: Part Time (32 hours per week) Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time 4 weeks of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(USD) $32,357 - (USD) $32,357/Per Year
Series/Grade:FP - 0105 - 9
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/16/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2022-084 RR
HVAC Mechanic
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of HVAC Mechanic in the Facilities Office (FAC) - The work schedule for this position is: Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £130,185 - (EGP) £130,185/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 1210 - 5
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/16/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2022-085 R
Maintenance Worker (Carpenter) - All Interested Applicants
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Maintenance Worker (Carpenter) in the Facilities Office. - The work schedule for this position is: Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £130,185 - (EGP) £130,185/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 1210 - 5
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/16/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-024
Protocol Clerk
U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Protocol Clerk in the Executive Office in Cairo/ Egypt. The work schedule for this position is Full Time 40 hrs. per week. Start date: Candidates must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £149,646/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 0120 - 6
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/16/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2023-015
Administrative Clerk - All Interested Applicants
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Administrative Clerk in the Department of Defense. - The work schedule for this position is: Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of time of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £149,646 - (EGP) £149,646/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 0105 - 6
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/19/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2022-071RR
Information Management Assistant (IPC) - (U.S. Citizen Eligible Family Members Only)
The U.S. Mission in Cairo, Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Information Management Assistant in the Information Programs Office (IPC). Final grade/step will be determined by Washington. The work schedule for this position is: Full time 40 Hours/week.
Salary:(USD) $40,488 - (USD) $40,488/Per Year
Series/Grade:FP - 1805 - 7
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:Public Non-Status Full-Time
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
02/22/2023Announcement #: CAIRO-2022-087 R
Automotive Mechanic
The U.S. Mission in Cairo/Egypt is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Automotive Mechanic in the General Services Office (GSO). The work schedule for this position is: Full Time - 40 hours per week. Start date: Candidate must be able to begin working within a reasonable period of receipt of agency authorization and/or clearances/certifications or their candidacy may end.
Salary:(EGP) £130,185 - (EGP) £130,185/Per Year
Series/Grade:LE - 1020 - 5
Agency:Embassy Cairo
Position Info:
Location:Cairo, EG
Close Date:
☑️ لا تنسى الاشتراك فى جروبنا على التليجرام المهاجرين الى امريكا ليصل اليك كل جديد الرابط او اضغط على الصورة ⇐🔗 https://telegram.me
إقرأ أيضاً :
- الولاية الأكثر شعبية للانتقال إليها في أمريكا
- 20 ولاية جمهورية ترفع دعوى لوقف العمل ببرنامج إدارة بايدن للمهاجرين
- البيت الأبيض يضع خطة الهجرة الجديدة إلى الولايات المتحدة
- الولايات المتحدة تطلق برنامجاً تجريبياً لإعادة التوطين من جميع أنحاء العالم
- طرق الحصول على الجواز الامريكي
- فيزا اذربيجان للمصريين اسهل فيزا بدون كشف حساب
- تاشيرة ايطاليا من مصر الشروط و الأوراق المطلوبة
- قوانين جديدة للحصول على الإقامة الدائمة الجرين كارد في أمريكا
- كندا ترحب بنصف مليون مهاجر لمعالجة النقص الحاد في العمالة
لاضافة تعليق او سوال